For you console and handheld owners, Performance Designed Products would be more familiar if we used one of their brand names: Pelican. Yes, in the countdown to PS3 Launch Day, one of the more well-known third party accessories manufacturer is joining Nyko in prepping a lineup of add-ons and subs for Sony's next-gen console (our bet: we're going to hear from Logitech next).
What does this mean? Who knows, maybe Nerf SIXAXES. We know a five-year-old who might appreciate it. And it wouldn't be Pelican/PDP's first foray into a motion sensing controller. Still remember the Tiltforce 2 that dates back to the PSOne? Then there's that mysterious "PS3/PS2 Controller Adapter" the boys of PS3 Fanboy found (you can check that article out for details, all theories are spread from heck to breakfast).
Well, PDP prepping to make PS3 accessories shows their confidence in the console, come to think of it. Or at the very least, they see a market well worth entering into. We'll see in the weeks after Launch Day if PDP will launch a Pelican PS3 Nerf controller, and we'll be there to tell you about it. Nope, these pelicans won't eat pigeons alive - what the...
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