Saturday, December 09, 2006

Casual Play: What Makes WoW Dumb? @ MMorpg.Com

Steve Wilson's second column looks at the simplication of World of Warcraft. "Casual Play" is a weekly column by Wilson on that looks at MMOs from the eyes of someone less than hardcore.
For many hardcore MMO fanatics simply asking this question is enough to launch them into a torrent of bitterness. Seriously though, what is it about WoW that earns it such a bad rep among those 'in the know' players and amateur ludologists?

Right off the bat WoW has attracted more new players than all other MMOs previously. It has also proven that the casual market is willing to pay ongoing subscription fees, something many were sceptical of prior to its release. These millions of new players have proven that the MMO genre is one that can be profitable, insanely so for the games that get it right. For the hardcore this is a double edged sword. On one hand it means that there will be a lot of new MMOs developed, but most of them will be directed at capturing that casual market. However an increase in development over all means more independent and niche games, more opportunities that there be something out there that appeals to everyone, just not all at once.

The full article is here.

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