Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Column: MMOWTF: The GAME

Dan Fortier returns this week with his column, MMOWTF. This time out, in an article titled "The GAME", Dan takes a sarcastic look at designing his own MMORPG.

I’m sick of playing other peoples’ crappy online games. Everyone should be able to play one game that gives them exactly what they want. Whether you prefer instant gratification or a rewarding grind we should be able have the best part of all games in a single package. I decided the only way to make this a reality was do it myself. That’s right you heard me, I’m making my own game and it will appeal to everyone. It’s known simply as “The Greatest All-Player MMO Evah” (The GAME™) and I’m giving you, my biggest fans and critics, a sneak peak!

You can read this article here.

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