Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Dark Age of Camelot : Fixes

Dark Age of Camelot has released a new set of recent fixes for their game.

  • Maulers in Midgard may now obtain the Phoebus Harp Necklace.
  • Gemstone Horse - This quest is now repeatable. This will allow a character to obtain the horse again should they sell their previous gemstone horse.
  • Adjustments have been made to the obelisks located in the Labyrinth Hub to make them a little more forgiving for standard use.
  • The Comeback to Camelot bonus to RPs and BPs has been removed from Agramon Island.
  • (Hibernia) The "Anger" pierce weapon will now correctly be set to 16.5 DPS.
  • The Hibernia and Midgard version of "Disillusioned" will now correctly have the Power Infusion charge.
  • Maulers can upgrade their Champion Weapons by speaking to the Focus Weaponmaster in the throne room.
  • (Albion) Maulers may now complete the ‘Voices of the Dead’ quest.
  • (Midgard) Maulers may now complete the ‘Silent Death’ quest.
  • (Hibernia) Maulers on the ‘Crace’s Desire’ quest will be able to turn in the Ixthiar Leg to the mantid surveyors.
For more on DAoC click here.

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