Thursday, December 07, 2006

Eragon (PC) - Kicked in by Gamezone

Movie tie-ins have always had a reputation of being cheap cash-ins that were low on quality and big on hype. Thank God then, that someone decided that Eragon should keep up this long line of abominations that are the weak game of the the film. Gamezone have added to the worldwide pounding that Eragon has had to take with their review.

Eragon is another disappointing licensed title that was no doubt rushed out the door to coincide with the release of a film. Considering the potential of the license, a better game could certainly have been done with more consideration. However, as it stands, Eragon should be avoided, especially if you’re a fan of the books or the film.

That's as positive as it gets. Read it here if you dare.
Source: Gamezone

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