Saturday, December 02, 2006

Exploring Middle-Earth @ Lord of the Rings Online

Turbine's Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar has released a new "Exploring Middle-Earth" feature. This one takes a look at the beautiful "Rivendell's Hall of Fire".

Among the many rooms and tranquil places in the wondrous home of Elrond in Rivendell, the majestic Hall of Fire is a unique place of wonder. Illuminated by an ever-burning fire in its tremendous hearth, the Hall of Fire is a legendary retreat, a place where weary travelers can rest on soft chairs in shadowed nooks, or ages-old Elves can steal away for hours of quiet reflection undisturbed. In times of celebration, the tranquility is lifted and the great hall becomes a vibrant gathering place for lively song and storytelling. It is said that old Bilbo Baggins himself, now a resident of the House of Elrond in Rivendell, often frequents the Hall of Fire for a bit of writing, and, truth be told, even more bits of napping.

In The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar, the Hall of Fire awaits those brave adventurers who have crossed through the mysterious forests and darkened hills of eastern Eriador to arrive at the protected valley of Imladris along the western foot of the Misty Mountains. Here can be found the great wisdom of Elrond and the Elves, as well as numerous quests to undertake and skills to be learned. This massive chamber, designed to reflect the Elves' great love of beauty and nature, serves as a central meeting place within Rivendell – a place to share a story with friends, learn of local happenings, or begin the next stage of the dangerous journey against the darkness growing in the lands to the north.

For more on LOTRO click here.

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