Saturday, December 09, 2006

Our Mega Holiday Giveaway! @ MMorpg.Com is proud to unveil our most massive contest to date! We are giving out a total of 271 prizes including a custom painted gaming PC from!

We have partnered up with just about every company we would find to bring you an impressive list of prizes! We have a couple Core 2 Duo processors, an iPod Nano, a speaker system, a nVidia 7900GTX used by CCP in a competition and hundreds of game related prizes!

In addition everyone who enters will receive a $50 mail in rebate offer from !

This is one contest you will not want to miss out on! CLICK HERE TO ENTER TO WIN!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank our great community, staff and all the companies we work with for helping to become one of the greatest MMO sites online! Here is to your happy holiday season and a great New Year!

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