Saturday, December 02, 2006

WoW - The Burning Crusade - Preview @ CVG

AGGHHHHH! My eyes! It's not that WoW: Burning Crusade looks bad, far from it. I just didn't need pics of the two previewers this early in the morning before I'd had that second jug of coffee. Thank God their opinions aren't as harsh on the system as their pics.

"It's not for everyone, this fighting and becoming a hero. In fact, I reckon society is far too achievement-oriented. What's wrong with the 99% of people who'll never make the headlines (without molesting a dog)? Brimming with happy apathy, I decided to hang around with some elekks. The man wouldn't let me ride one (some nonsense about 'levels' and 'gold'), but I did have fun positioning Mahoney so his nose was near their bums, then making him emote. Who needs missions when you can wave at an elephant's arse?"

Ummmm, right. Read the rest, if you dare, right here.

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