Source :: http://ent.tom.com/
Translated by AWCSG00175 (Jasamine) from http://forum.awc618.com
Andy Lau is an artiste who pays lot of attention on his physical build. This is how he keeps fit. During his rest days, he will have a cup of hot coffee and a toast for his lunch.
No sandwich, just a toast. It is through his strict diet and exercise that he managed to slim down.
When Andy is at work, he will share the same breakfast/lunch/dinner menus as his staff. EAsy! However, having said that, he will not eat a lot. It's really quality vs quantity...he is quite strict with what he eats.
When Andy dines with his friends, his favourite choice would be steamboat.
Now let's talk about beverage...Andy is also very strict on this. He seldoms drink cold drinks. Coffee and tea must be served hot. He also doesnt like mineral water.
He loves fruit punch eg apple with carrot (to supplement water content in the body).
Last but not least, Andy will do lots of exercise to keep fit. He has a well equipped gym at home to do that.
According to a fellow artiste in the movie A World without Thieves, Andy eats a lot of rice during filming, probably because filming drains a lot of energy and he needs lots of carbohydrates. However, Andy kept remind them
that they have to eat lots of fruits and drink carrot juice, especially the girls. He believed that carrot juice will
keep one youthful.
To summarise, Andy's diet as follows:
On work days
- Breakfast: milk + toast + fruits
- Lunch + Dinner - lunch box; high in fibre
Off days:
- Breakfast - one cup of hot coffee and oat porridge
- Lunch - one cup of hot coffee, one toast
- Dinner - pan-fried fish, vegetables with some meat. However, no beef please.