I: So when you were little, you must have enjoyed acting in front of you family right?
R: (laughs) No of course not. When I was little I didn’t really enjoy acting. I was just a very, very naughty boy. I started dancing when I was 18 and I just wanted life to be more interesting and after learning how to dance, I felt that there was a lot more to life.
I: So why did you pick dancing as your career?
R: this is because my dance teacher thought I had talent and complimented that I was very hard working and could dance well. So I entered TVB acting class and tested it out and if I could keep up it wasn’t bad for a start. So I decided to test it out and I actually became quite successful.
I: (can’t see the words clearly after zooming in) But the last line goes: So why do you pick acting as well?
R: Well when I was put with a partner she asked me if I wanted to join acting, I never ever thought of following this pathway to acting but I never knew what I wanted to act for but I still liked dancing. Though I really wanted to try it out. So I went home and asked my family if I should try it out and get their opinion.
I: Did they approve?
R: Mum said that she would think about it and she questioned me asking if it would be too much pressure, and could you live life, not being too busy, and having time for other things? If you really want to go, we will support you but before you make your decision you must think of it really carefully and don’t regret. You must have a good think about this. It took me 2 months, to think about this. I know two months just thinking about this acting career, though in the end, I never regretted and went ahead with acting.
I: You mum must be very understand with kids and understand what kids want to do. Am I right?
R: My mum is really nice. She supports me in whatever I intend to do. Though before I decide anything she makes me think hard and makes sure I never regret. And makes sure I don’t stop half way and give up. MY mum says that whatever I choose to do, it is my own responsibility to continue.
I: Your mum seems really supportive so I’m guessing she really likes kids?
R: Of course she loves her children, I mean which parent wouldn’t love their kids? But I also have my sister, who always bullies me and we always have fights (laughs) Though as we grew older we didn’t do this sort of stuff anymore, we more likely became friends and if I have any problems I would always turn to her and tell her my problems. Though every week, we would always have a family day and we would sit down and have talks and chats.
I: You have a very warm family relationship, and you seem to care about each other very much.
R: My family is very important to me, and I always put them first. And if I don’t have anything on, I always like to stay at home, because I love the feeling of staying at home.
I: So when your under pressure and have a lot of work to do you would always call home to make yourself feel better?
R: You know, That any boy in the world who ran away from home, would start crying and the first thing they would do is call their mum!
(I hope this might interest you to read it as I reckon its very interesting to know about His career, I finished the first page right here! Enjoyy
I: So your mum sort of made you the Today Ron NG?
R: Yes of course, and this job needs a lot of family support. Though acting takes a really long period. It takes about 3 months or more to finish a complete series. And that means I hardly ever spend time at home. Every time I get home I mostly see my mum and reckon shes become older.
I: So what do you do at home if your there usually?
R: At home I love watching DVDs playing with my cat and dog, going for a jog, going to the fish market. I love it there as there are many nice things to buy there. Every time I get home from working, I always like to stare at the fish in my fish tank as they are very nice to watch. And as I said, that’s the beauty of staying, home and this is why I like it so much.
I: So you have 8 types of animals at your place?
R: Of course not! I only have 3 types. A dog, cat and fish. Every time I talk about my dog it makes me feel so at home. (Laughs) Yes im talking about my dog AH MO, Ah mo has become to skinny lately.
I: Is it because you have been so busy acting lately?
R: No, If im not home, usually the house maids take care of him, I don’t dare to leave him at home alone as it will stink up the place, and all his hair everywhere.
Credit to http://ron-site.blogspot.com/