Sunday, April 08, 2007 Newsletter - April 2007

April sees the monthly expansion star fly to the center grid, which means it promises to be a busy and tiring month head. Illness energies are enhanced as the number 9 strengthens the central number 2. Boost energy levels with
the 12-eyed Dzi and ward off ill health with a Whirling Wu Lou windchime.

Avoid making too much noise in the Northwest and Northeast sectors of your home.Pay attention to health matters and hygiene. There is wealth luck to be had though!

The lucky 8 flies to the Southeast sector, so if your bedroom is located in this
part of the house, a windfall could be coming your way! To activate wealth luck, place a water feature in this sector (not in bedrooms though!) To activate for the Nobleman Star, place a herd of horses or painted ponies in this sector.