Saturday, May 19, 2007

Bowie Lam Shopping in Taiwan During Promotional Trip

Bowie Lam is a car-lover and during his spare time on a promotional trip to Taiwan, he had heard that there are a lot of car parts and accessories shops there and he was so absorbed that he revealed his passion for cars straight away. In just a short time, he was sharing enthusiasts anecdotes with the store owner, who was glad to find a fellow car-lover, so he offered a discount, making Bowie very happy and exclaiming how worthwhile this trip had been.

On his two day trip to Taiwan, Bowie also visited the 101 Tower and although the weather in Taipei was a little rainy, this did not dampen his spirits and he was busy snapping away on his camera and even engaged in a snapping contest with the photographer. In order to shoot the greatness of the 101 tower, he was using some yoga-like poses to get the shot and people complimented his flexibility. He said modestly that this is thanks to filming so many ancient dramas.

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