Wednesday, October 22, 2008

TV-version of the movie The Last Night of Madam Chin

The TV-version of the movie "The Last Night of Madam Chin" picked Zai Zai (Vic Zhou) to play as a boyfriend of Chin. Fan bing bing, the first time producer, will take the leading role as Chin. It starts the production next month. Zai Zai is actively involved in the project Black&White after his success of Japan F4 concert tours. He said that there were four TV/Movies waiting for his decision. After reading the script of the adpated screen writer Xia Mei Hwa, he thinks that this character presents a challenge. There will be some changes made in the TV version. Fan BingBing added another character played by Eric Huang. Both Zai Zai and Eric developed love relationship with "Chin" in the drama.

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