This year marks the twentieth year of the passing of legendary actor Matsuda Yusaku. In memory him, a new movie titled 'Soul Red: Matsuda Yusaku' will be released on November 6th. Highlights from the film include commentaries from his sons, actors Matsuda Ryuhei and Matsuda Shota, who will be sharing memories and impressions of their late father. This will also mark the first time they will all be appearing together on the silver screen.
Aside from the brothers, the film's director also interviewed many American and Japanese actors who have either collaborated or have been greatly influenced by Matsuda Yusaku. These include Japanese actors Kagawa Teruyuki, Asano Tadanobu, screenwriter-director Kudo Kankuro, legendary producer Kurosawa Mitsuru, and director Morita Yoshimitsu. Hollywood actor Andy Garcia adds his name to the list of high profile stars that will appear in the film.
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