BeeTV will broadcast a new mobile drama series titled "Death Game Park," featuring tokusatsu stars Tori Matsuzaka (21) and Masahiro Inoue (21). Hello! Project artist Erina Mano (18) has been cast as the heroine.
"Death Game Park" is an action thriller reminiscent of Kinji Fukasaku's "Battle Royale." A group of young adults have been forced to participate in a "death game" for an unknown purpose. Unable to call for help, they have to muster their strength in order to survive and find a way to escape.
Matsuzaka and Inoue play the two main characters, while Mano plays a young woman who has joined the game to seek revenge for the death of her brother in a previous game. Other cast members include Keisuke Kato (21) and Hideo Ishiguro (21), plus special appearances by Nozomi Sasaki (22) and Saki Aibu (24).
In conjunction with the drama, which starts on April 20, BeeTV will run an "Escape Simulation Game" in which female viewers can take on the part of the heroine and try to navigate their way through the game. Other original content, such as an interactive mobile phone novel, is also being created to tie in with the show.
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