Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lee Hyori release ‘H-Logic’

Lee Hyori will release 4th album ‘H-Logic’ earlier on 12th April as compared to the planned date of 13th April.

Mnet Media revealed, “Following the leakout of Lee Hyori’s 4th album, the album will be released at 11am on 12th April. It was originally planned to be released only at midnight on 13th April.”

Mnet has requested for all related posts and file sharing of the album to be deleted on illegal download site P2P but it seems that the spread and sharing of the album has gone full force over the weekend and unstoppable, the company has then decided to push forward the release date.

The company revealed, “The illegal leakout of the album has cause harm both in terms of moral and money to both Lee Hyori and the compan. If people had given more though to the hard work and long period put in to make the album, this would not have happened.”

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