atsumi Itsuki's popular shojo manga "Hanasakeru Seishonen" is being turned into a theatrical production, set to begin next month. Originally published from 1989 to 1994, the comic tells the story of a young girl named Kajika whose father, the head of a huge conglomerate, makes her select a future husband from a group of beautiful men.
The lead character of Kajika will by played by fashion model AKIRA (22), who is also the vocalist of rock band DISACODE. Yuki Kubota (29) will play Kajika's friend Li-ren, while her suitors include Genki Okawa (22) and Yusuke Hirose (24). The complete cast can be found on the production's official website.
The play will be performed at the Sogetsu Hall in Akasaka, Tokyo, from September 29 to October 6.
"Hanasakeru Seishonen" was also turned into an anime series last year.
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