Sunday, July 06, 2014

Introduction iPhone, iPad and Android App - Part 3

Go back - Introduction iPhone, iPad and Android App - Part 2

Differences between Android, iPhone and iPad

The debate over which platform offers the best return rumbles on. You’ll find all kinds of weird and wonderful theories on the subject. The users of each device differ socio-demographically, however. For instance, companies like Rovio, makers of Angry Birds, have found that iOS users are more likely to pay for
Angry Birds, but that Rovio can still make a profit from Android users by giving the app away for free and using in-app advertising to offset this loss.

As for pricing your app, or making it free, the bottom line is, to quote William Goldman, ‘nobody knows anything’. We discuss pricing issues in more detail later in the course.

If you price your app low, it’ll be more of an impulse buy. But price it too low and you might give the impression of a low-quality product. If you price it high and you might sell far fewer copies, but you might make more profit overall from the copies you do sell. Or you might not sell any, because it’s too expensive.

A similar dilemma hangs over ‘lite’ versions of apps, like Alice for the iPad Lite, These are stripped-down versions of your app, designed to give potential customers a free taste of what you’re offering, and leaving them hungry for more. Although they’re a brilliant marketing tool, you have to strike a careful balance between how much you give away for free, and what you hold back to entice a full purchase.

Hold back too much and you won’t be able to create a good impression with the lite version. Give away too much, and there’s no incentive for anyone to buy the full version of the software – they’re already satisfied.

Read Next - Introduction iPhone, iPad and Android App - Part 4

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