Friday, November 24, 2006

Age of Conan Dev Profile: Heidi Schmidt @

Heidi Schmidt, a Content Designer for Funcom's Age of Conan, talks about her unqiue path to her first job in the industry: keeping the lore. What is your job at Funcom? How did you get your foot in the door?

Heidi Schmidt: I am a content designer, specifically a quest designer, and the Lore Wench, for the Age of Conan MMO. I spent a lot of time on the TestLive test server for Anarchy Online, helping the developers by testing new content. I also delved into creating a huge in-game map for the community, which I really enjoyed working on (it was the perfect excuse to explore every meter of Rubi-Ka). When Funcom was looking to hire new people, I knew I had to apply. I had been so impressed with the artistic and creative talent behind Anarchy Online, and I wanted to be part of that amazing team. I applied as a designer, was interviewed, and hired, all in the matter of a few weeks. I moved to Norway from the U.S. just a few weeks after that!

The full Q&A is here.

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