Monday, November 27, 2006

Palm Treo 680 gets Bejeweled @ PocketGamer

Smartphones aren't just about push-email and mission-critical voicemails, y'know. Even corporate bigwigs have to kick back and relax once in a while.

With that in mind, Palm has just announced that its new Treo 680 smartphone is going to have Bejeweled preloaded on it.

The venerable puzzler has already been released for PDAs, mobile phones and even the iPod (read PocketGamer review of that version), so this might not seem like big news.

However, developer Astraware has revamped the game, which was originally made in 2001, for 2006-era handsets. It now has full five-way controls, making it easier to play one-handed while swinging from a tube train pole (when, remember, you can't check your emails).

Astraware says Bejeweled is the best-selling handheld game ever (more than Tetris?) so it's bound to be a tasty treat for anyone buying the Treo 680.

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