Friday, November 24, 2006

Retraction: Tuesday's Column @ MMorpg.Com would like to apologize for "Persistence is Futile", a column by Dave Bonnewell published on Tuesday November 21st, 2006. Since the initial publish, it has come to our attention that elements of the article were directly plagiarized from "Banned in the USA", an article by Gabriel Graziani ( in this month's PC Gamer (Holiday 2006, Issue 156). The article can be found on page 24d.

"Persistence is Futile" included multiple elements of Graziani's article, including a very similar topic and several phrases. has terminated its relationship with Mr. Bonnewell. We were not aware of the similarities at the time of publish and deeply regret the incident. Our apologies go out to Mr. Graziani and PC Gamer.

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