Thursday, December 07, 2006

Eve Online - A Beginner's Perspective

Ah how soon we forget what it is like to be a newb in an online game. Desperately trying to figure what everything does and where everything is. Scared to talk to anyone in case they laugh at your questions. Wondering just how the hell you are supposed to beat some of these mobs at this level etc. Well Gamers Info have posted some thoughts and comments from a new player in Eve Online that should prove interesting to new players and crusty old veterans alike.

My momma always said, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything.” Well, I do have nice things to say. Really I do. I’m not the complainer everyone thinks I am. Hmm. Uh oh. No just kidding. Eve Online has me hooked despite its flaws, but remember, I'm a hardcore gamer. Once you get past the painful newbie experience, blasting pirates for loot, mining for credits, and running goods back and forth between star systems for a profit actually becomes fun if thats your cup of tea. And, as with any game, fun is the holy grail. One thing that has helped me tremendously is the extremely courteous and helpful lads and lasses of the Eve community. Without their help, I would still be cursing at those six pirates who were regularly ‘pwning’ me in my ‘newbage’. I have happily learned how to use orbit from range and snipe techniques, and how to look for ways to make money on the market. I have finally discovered the trick to doing agent missions and what the heck deadspace is. And the deeper I fall into Eve’s web, the more I want. I have even stopped playing WoW, in favor of Eve!

Aw bless, he's keen. Read the rest here

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