Thursday, December 07, 2006

Second Life (PC) - Teenage Clicks

The BBC sent their intrepid reporter... well hold on, exactly how intrepid do you need to be to be sent on a jolly to San Francisco to hang out at the offices of Linden Labs, the team behind Second Life. Maybe not intrepid, but enough knowledge of PCs to be able to turn down some graphics settings when playng the game might be a start. Anyway, we digress. Find out from Linden Labs about the "For Teenagers Only" areas in Second Life and the troubles that Linden Labs have due to the popularity of their virtual world.

The idea of the Teen Grid is to act as a safe haven for younger users, free of the adult content that pervades much of the main space.

Through their avatars, Teen Second Life's young users can go shopping, hang out and island hop just as their grown-up counterparts do on the Adult Grid.

But community manager Claudia L'Amoreaux told me that the Teen Grid is also a place for young people to tackle serious global issues that affect them.

Read the full story here.

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