Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sam Suede: Undercover Exposure - Put on "indefinate hold"

Firing Squad have published an article going into detail on the reasons behind the shut down of development on Sam Suede: Undercover Exposure. In the article they explain how after chatting on the phone with Al Lowe, famously responsible for the Leisure Suit Larry series he blamed the costs of next gen console development and not being able to generate enough revenue on PC alone as the reasons.

Earlier today FiringSquad chatted on the phone with Al Lowe, the creator of the classic Leisure Suit Larry adult humor themed game series, to find out more about today's reveal that his latest game venture, the action-comedy Sam Suede: Undercover Exposure, has been put on indefinate hold. Lowe said that his last day on the job at the game's developer iBase Games was on September 11 when most of the rest of the 20 or so team members got word that the company was shutting down. While Lowe was a part owner in iBase Games he was not comfortable talking about specific business matters and asked if we could contact iBase Entertainment's Ken Wegrzyn for more info. FiringSquad has left two phone messages for Wegrzyn before posting this article but so far we have not yet received a response.

Read the full thing here.

Source: Firing Squad

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