Sunday, May 27, 2007

Ayase distance in July worried banner "dry Girls"

Is a comic adaptation of the girls in separate, Ayase distance on July shooting of Japan's NTV separate "Fireflies light" was described as a "dry women," the woman rain Palace fireflies, for the first time, acting alone banner.

"Dry Girls" is popular in Japan in recent years the term refers to is not interested in love, holidays also stay at home watching DVD drink beer, not to beauty salons, and the self-live the leisurely life of women. Ayase distance of the original comic said very understanding of the female mind, a very strong sympathy, But comic actress Yu Ying Palace at the age of 27, and Ayase distance difference of the true age of five years, So when the adaptation may be adjusted. Company also Tengmuzhiren state SIN Liangzi.

Kwong Tin Park detectives do

Tian Zhi and in the future will also be new productions in July, "Detective School Q", television series broadcast in July last year off special show, adapted to the current series. Adapted from the comic series, the author of "Kanadaichi juvenile notebooks can" days levy tree balls, and the drama version called "death note" of Beauty and responsible. Tin-starred with Chi, also known as another "genius" actors of the tree Takayuki referrals, two child star will play together solve the mysteries.


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