Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Jieren water gun firing frenzy Mr Xi yield

Jie Ren is a sister, firing water guns arbitrary ways

It will be followed by "runny Storm" broadcast wireless new productions "Recruit a more", in addition to Daodaiyu plays actor, Guoxianni and Xuzishan Other countries, Qi at the hotel pool at the publicity activities, including Joey Yung, Chen Jian Feng, Zhuo Wu Xi, who is an influential Classics and such. But the banner is worried, but very tin Jieren who constantly stresses that the first and soaked appearance, originally planned as one pushed her into the sea, Chen Jian Feng and Zhuo Wu Xi, are immediately deterred.

Zuomie - I

A large number of actors replaced publicity T-shirt and shorts appeared only late Joey Yung, wearing trousers high Zheng shoes scene. Zhuo Wu Xi Chen Jian Feng wanted to push her into the sea, but when Zhuo Wu Xi, using water cannons firing her legs, Jieren immediately reacting said : "uproar! Zuomie firing me, you fire ah. "Zhuo Wu Xi immediately explained with a smile :" I support water gun gel! "Zhuo Wu Jie Ren Xiao Xi more constant water jetting, as" Seto urine, "she hand face, constantly reminding Zhuo Wu Xi said : "Shooting body can, but the bad-first. "Although no other people Zuer-wet her head, but she did tease of fight, with water guns kept firing frenzy Zhuo Wu Xi, Zhuo Wu Xi nor counter to them. After Jieren see other artistes have jumped pool, she automatically onto boats for fun, and it reminded Zhuo Wu Xi : "I do not attempt to craft anti-ah. "Zhuo Wu Xi Jieren failed to counterattack, only to Wilson buried hand to hand against his boat, but in vain.

Liang enough legs

Jieren explained afterwards but for the 10th anniversary of the return of some film footage not soaked first. She said : "In fact, following the first, can be wet, I expected Zo expense, weight belt over pants. "She even the reporters do not wear hotpants, publicity and diminished greatly reduced effectiveness. Jie Ren said with a smile of his own forgotten her own do not mind wearing the shorts. However, she noted that if wearing shorts, we might have diminished, because his leg not good and and the other female artistes of pretty feet, will lose out.


However, she would like to extend my gratitude Zhuo Wu Xi mercy, because the story may develop feelings, she says : "This was really good sex. "Jieren also said they were fun, to see people fall in, she very much wish to participate in a play of the buried. As for the future of the publicity, she may have to rely on to the banner of acting alone. Jieren can not be said that the word she would do with that. On the show, immediately "runny Storm" broadcast drama Jieren think two different, it can be difficult, But the drama of a certain confidence.

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