Monday, May 21, 2007

Miriam @ MTV Vibrate the World Concert

"MTV Vibrate The World Concert" was held in Guangzhou. Miriam was the opening act while Joey Yung did the closing. To open up the China market, Miriam is already preparing her Mandarin album. The songs will be picked by the company and Miriam is just in charge of singing. She denied the rumour of quarreling with Leon Lai about choice of songs, "I won't talk behind others' back. We talk face to face if there's anything. These are just rumours. I'm confident with Mr Lai.(Any arguements?) There won't be. The first plug's response was good. Many people dedicated the song in KTV and download legally. I'm waiting for the share of profits."

Miriam said that Leon is an artiste himself so he will set a starting point for his artistes. Leon is looking for an album producer from Singapore for Miriam. The company and Miriam herself have high expectations for this album. When asked if Leon only dotes on Janice or is equally good to her, Miriam said the company is doing business and won't be just working on one singer. It'll have many singers for the market to chose. If the company just focus on her, she won't be happy either. Anyway, she'll work hard to make this a good album.

Joey Yung is also preparing her Mandarin album. When told Miriam is also fighting for the China market, Joey said many singers hope to release albums in China therefore everyone has to work hard. She won't feel threatened and won't compare with others as long as she did her part well.

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