Monday, May 14, 2007

Rain cast in Hollywood movie "Speed Racer"

South Korean King of Pop, Rain, is officially entering Hollywood. Rain will star in a movie, “Speed Racer” whose crew created “The Matrix”. Although Rain will not be dancing or singing in this movie, he will definitely be showing some muscles.“Speed Racer” will include producer, Joel Silver, directors: Andy & Larry Wachowski.

Filming will start in June at Berlin, Germany. The Main actors not only include Hollywood stars Susan Sarandon, Matthew Fox, John Goodman, Emile Hirsch, Christina Ricci, Japanese star 真田廣之 and South Korean King of Pop Rain. Warner, the organizer of this movie confirms that Rain and the other actors will be attending the press conference in Berlin at the end of this month.

However, Rain’s role in the movie is not confirmed. This movie is adapted from the Japanese Manga, “馬赫Go Go Go” which tells the story of a youth who has the ability to drive 7 different kinds of racing cars, and overcomes obstacles. Therefore the appearance of Asian actors is not surprising.

The movie is expected to be screened around next June. Andy and Larry Wachowski, loves Japanese Manga while Joel Silver loves martial arts, thus in “Speed Racer” it will feature lots of action scenes and some fundamental dancing which Rain can perform very well in.

Rain has gained much global recognition with concerts in the USA, and attending the Berlin Movie festival for “I’m a cyborg, but that’s okay”. “Speed Racer” will be his first Hollywood film. He will not be a disappointment to the directors as they love his masculine image.

Translation thanks to soompi

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