Monday, May 14, 2007

Sammi has a new Bob Hair Style
translated by RiPleY

Sammi has a new Bob Hair Style

Sammi who will be holding her concert from 18 to 25 this month is busy preparing for the show. The other day she went to rehearse her songs and then went to the dance studio to rehearse her dancing til after midnight. Later, she went to her hairstylist's studio and came out with a Bob hairstyle 2 hours later. When she sees reporters waiting for her, she was shocked and maybe worried that her new hairstyle will be exposed early. She immediately lowered her head and went into her van quickly.

Sammi has in her previous concerts showed us many different styles such as Nike eyebrow, feather bra, aluminium bra, etc. In this concert, it is said that Sammi will have many different hair styles. Sammi's hairstylist, Billy has design a few fake hair styles for Sammi to go with the costumes design by Thomas Chan and Zing's makeup so that Sammi can once again shine on the stage.

Reporters have asked Sammi's manager, Wallace Kwok if there is any special costume for this concert and he replied, "We'll be doing a bit of everything. Actually, a lot of things have not been confirmed yet and even Sammi herself is unsure. We'll leave it to Thomas, Zing and Billy to call the shots. Lets keep it as a suprise and watch for yourself during the concert."

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