Monday, May 21, 2007

S.H.E is tested on Chinese, Hebe scores the highest with 45

n S.H.E's newest album "PLAY" the 3 girls played around the Chinese language as they rapped the Chinese tongue twisters. So Apple decided to give them a Chinese langage/vocabulary test, and the end result was 100%, all 3 of there marks added up that is. Hebe scored 45%, Selina placed 2nd with 40% while Ella fell last with only 15%.

When Hebe, who graduated from 湖口高中, first got the test, she wailed: "This is so hard! Whoever can write this must be cheating!" Ella, who graduated from PingTung's 大仁技術學院, exclaimed: "This is obviously trying to make us artists look bad and embarassed, im not answering it! Give me some cake!" With the highest education of all, Selina, who graduated from 師大, also couldnt believe how hard the test was and joined in on the complaining.

Source: Apple Daily
Translated by m1ss @

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