Sunday, May 20, 2007

Ultra Fit Sammi Lights Up HK Coliseum

Ultra Fit Sammi Lights Up HK Coliseum

The highly anticipated 8 <> concert opens yesterday night at HK Coliseum. Sammi was ultra fit and even show her newly acquired bicep muscles to the audience. Sammi often ask the audience whether she looks good [" รง´¢" (sok)] and ask reporters to remember to write about her fitness.

Many friends and family members attend the opening show last night. Family members include Sammi's parents and sisters. Some friends that were there includes Leo Ku, Twins member Gillian Chung, Hocc and former employee Ah Song. Jan Lam was one of the special guest and duet the song <> with Sammi.

The 4 sided stage was decorated in black and silver, the Coliseum was absolutely jammed pack. There was no empty seats. At around 8:50pm, Sammi dressed in short black dress, Bob wig and 5inch high heel appears on stage and sang <>. She only completed half the song before removing her wig, the remaining half of the song was completed by the background singers. Upon the completion of the song, Sammi ask "Who am I?". The crowd scream "SAMMI". Sammi then flex her bicep muscle and said "I said I will show muscle and here it is. I know it is on the small side as it has just awoken."

Sammi later said "Have you all been eagerly waiting for me? Waited two years. Actually in the beginning I only had plan to do 4 shows, but then add more shows and then once again add more shows. I think you all must have been misinformed and think that this is my farewell concert. But I am sorry to tell you, you informant is wrong, why would I suddenly stop singing? Lots of weird news have surface the last 2 years, but now you can see my state with your own eyes, so what do you all think? Good?" She then turns towards the reporters and said "So do I look pretty? Remember to write how good I look in your report and thanks for buying tickets to the concert."

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