Chart : Guan Ju (third from right) opened 2,300, Cork high (from left), - jun, Lok Yi-ling, and Jia-Xin Zhong Lin Feng Qi present at the press conference
"Guan Ju runny Concert" will be held on August 1 and 2 at the Gongguan held yesterday with Mr Wong Guan Ju, Yi-jun and Lok - ling present at the press conference, and arranged for Chung and Lin Feng Jia-Xin up the market. Aunt Ju pointed out that since 1986 the Iraqi Museum will fade out over 2,300 entertainment circle So first opened in 2,300 Gongguan am excited and happy, now only know "runny Storm" an Arts Council support.
She said the cause of the rebound, asked her wish to have a second spring? She said there are too busy simply no time to date, although very much wish to see her companion stars, but not impatient. Before she came out with the scandal-jun, yesterday Yao Rong Shu - was present, in their initial stage separated Lin Feng, Aunt Ju also politely Pengbei with you, but they sent dish has deliberately maintained distance. After Yao Rong Shu-Ju and pushed my sister's sex scandal, he said laughingly : "I will not engage in the entertainment business scandals and Even pursue far have been held. "
Cheng Liang Chang mind riding Gongguan
Meanwhile, Lin Feng Jia-Xin and the bell will be disclosed then, "Cheng Liang" and "often mind" modeling Choir "thanks" had the chance to set foot in Hong Guan, so they do not care about the issue of equal pay for songs. To cope with the reported Lizi Li infant brother huge medical expenses to bondage to the wireless, Wireless high-level Lok Yi Ling Li Zi clarification about not being signed, it is inappropriate at this stage to renew their contracts. Moreover, Gigi was described as the small circle became, I believe her economic problem, if she has difficulty Wireless will certainly make every effort to help.
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