Sunday, June 03, 2007

Hao Chen hate big fine Lease

Hao Chen Bao akin with the large family

Hao Chen and Xia Yu yesterday attended OSIM Father's Day activities. Eliminate family is in Canada, his son knows he has his "runny Storm" very popular. Hao Chen envy Eliminate a very happy family, it was said with a smile hate "small deeds" on the contrary Eliminate horrifying. My wife will think two miles annoying. The master of ceremonies asked him whether there object? Hao Chen said with a smile, if a large object will be to Powell met. Hao Chen jokingly refers to Eliminate able to save many. Hao Chen asked whether the introduction LIAO Bi abuse scandal girlfriend to Eliminate understanding? Eliminate the first to say that he should have been aware of Pitt, who also refers to her often over plant, "Forget food crazy," The Princess smiled and calmly without fear.

Hasty conclusion

For netizens complaints "runny Storm" too hasty conclusion, we did not say uncle's future and the effect should not even Bosco Wong could easily exonerate. Hao Chen can not agree, but also refers to unfold due to the fact the uncle, Zongze because it is not the result of private grudges litigation. Eliminate pointed broadcast version of the many cut, he felt it necessary to broadcast the long, I believe there will be more detailed explanation. He felt that the outcome has been very successful, which I am sure Powell final resting place is also very comforting.

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