Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Jia-Xin Zhong lackeys running ladder

Photo : lackeys and bell Jia-Xin (China), Mr Farah cooperation is not worried about traditional sex scandal

Zheng disabilities (Ken), Mr Steven Ma, Chung Jia-Xin Chen and Farah, yesterday attended new productions "touchstone work together" worship ceremony. Although no longer in the "wireless" Boju, but Ken has not yet sense of inertia, because in different places Paiju process is the same.

"Wireless" Li Peng and Chen Jia-Xin Zhong Farah, asked him to two generations of view? He respect to the two studies, he said : "They can attract so many young people, they would certainly have their merits, But only started the third day, still do not quite impenetrable out the reasons for their popularity. "As for the drama with another opponent lackeys, Ken Getan statement read lackeys many pieces and praising him is a very mature actor.

Minion in the new playing a rock hammer to run for the industry hand, is a grass-roots, and often go to the reservoirs and mountains, So will a pre-tan, Chung Jia-Xin fortunate to have accompanied ran together. Said hot days, making good hard running game, running lackeys respect prefer not want to make any costume drama, film costume is too hard. Jia-Xin and he played with the other, is not worried about the duo emitting scandal, and did not pay attention to the other side of the Passion Wen Lin Feng, As for the second cooperation of Farah, lackeys not worry about the same-sex scandal with her. He said each finished show, if they were not there to escape a scandal? Feeling. "Wireless" will be cooperation with Hunan Satellite TV, a dance competition, which is a minion participants, Since each week to go on the 3rd, he will be well aware that hard, especially opponents are professional teachers.

Farah heard Ken Columbia to learn, joked : "I learn distorted sound that way? I think he is good, so both of us are looking forward to good cooperation with him in the hope that he has learned more things. As lackeys like a big brother, if done boyfriend strange feeling better. "For this Jia-Xin MK playing a sister, in addition to vest booty into battle and to fight more often, resulting in securities losses feet.

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