Photo : Ma Shi-hui (left), and Mr Lau Xuanxuan are green supporters
Xuan Xuan, Xu Hao and Ma Ying-hui and other poetry three environmental supporters, yesterday attended the British accessories brand Anya Hindmarch launched by the environmental protection bags, "I do not plastic bags" campaign live action, each spot also receive a green bag.
The most important environmental
The trio, the most Xuanxuan to environmental protection, home garbage classification strictly carefully, even have canned dog servants torn bills again after wash away, it can throw a few days before a garbage; Apart from the usual sleep not air-conditioned; to the field will stay in a hotel-owned by a pair of slippers and Bathing, in response to the hotel, not daily replacement of towels and linens. And go out shopping bags when necessary, some old clothes were sent to the Salvation Army to avoid waste, but her friend more interest, Canada will each bring back a lot of waste paper recycling back. Feelings Earth worsening pollution Xuanxuan candor hygiene Aberdeen should carefully consider clear.
A woman Xu Services
This said Xu Hao filled bags launched in Europe, the United States, Japan version of the online auction, many of my friends are also bidding, But she knew that to attend this event, both bags gave her, it did not participate in the auction, She greater praise This bag is large enough and functional, smilingly said he would like to continue to use the gift daughter. A self Xu environmental elements, usually have taught her not to waste paper, old clothes will be the surviving friends or selling second-hand clothes. Ma Shi-hui Though now too late to respond to environmental protection, but she still has to teach their children to segregate waste and save water. DSM. And her husband Wangminde come home after going to do the whole house air conditioning and lighting, but by her "Japan Night oh oh", which has been improved, But there is still progress to the space.
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