Banner: 4-Ban Hin sing Aberdeen (from left), Shirley, thank Angel and Hacken Lee concerts cooperation
Four music-singing classes, including Hacken Lee, Shirley (Shirley), Jing-Xuan Zhang and Xie Angel (Kay), will perform with "Nokia Philharmonic pleasure 903 speeding in concert" with them for the concert last night rehearsals. This is the first time Kay postpartum return to performing, although Kay still successful cultivation, after months of adequate rest and see her state Dayong, Kay has made better now than before the gas.
Kay Hin Aberdeen Chorus Love Songs
After the birth of Kay, has not been slimming success, but she did not mind, but also said he likes the round now build only natural diet, not deliberately. Rehearsals are asked her to sing the songs, whether it is difficult to sing. Kay said: "rest a long time, the gas well, I may Shun production, not much impact!" Postpartum first comeback performance and asked whether she was feeling nervous. She admitted feeling of a happy, long time no public performance, she is now out with three home singing classes, very rare.
Children love about the situation, Kay praised son is considered Cute, before she has been fed human milk, milk feeding to resume work after the next Hsuan Tsai is loud: "I want to feed themselves, Ha Ha!" The concert, and Kay Hin Aberdeen ended two choirs will love songs, Hsuan Tsai laughs fear-induced death Table uncle, Kay also said that when her husband to join.
Kay now busy preparations for the new, and asked her whether the company was ordered to lose weight. Kay said no, may have been at home before the break, good food good living, failure to lose weight, I believe that after the resumption of work will soon be lost. To say at this time, just passing gossip Keqin to Kay asked: "Aberdeen will be pitting gas," Kay replied, now difficult to sing some songs would have no problem.
Being sponsored by the famous performances
In addition, Anthony Kennedy than with T-shirt, jacket attend rehearsals, music was asked whether she dresses less cloth. She sold the Commissioner of that moment when, and revealed that the night was sponsored by a famous designer, who has never been a delivery from Milan exposure to her costumes. She said this very type shirt. Shirley candor am looking forward to this evening's performance, it is an honor to sing with the three people, who would like to ask her most singers cooperation. Shirley would pick phoned (Juno), and praised Juno sorting pick good songs, but very carefully done music.
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