"Kyou no Wanko" ("Today's Doggie"), a popular segment from the Fuji TV morning show "Mezamashi TV," has given birth to a theatrical film, it has been learned. The movie revolves around one of the dogs that appeared on the show and features performances by Ryuta Sato (30) and Kumiko Aso (32).
Fuji TV is producing the film based on a true story from the small island of Miyakejima, which had to be evacuated in 2000 due to eruptions from the island's volcano, Mount Oyama. At the time of the evacuation, a dog named Rock was separated from its owner, but the two were miraculously reunited when the island's residents were partially allowed back onto the island 5 years later. Since then, the dog has been a local celebrity, and its fame spread beyond the island when it was featured in a special episode of "Kyou no Wanko" in 2007.
Using that story as a model, the movie "Rock ~Wanko no Shima~" will depict the bonds between the members of a family and their dog. Sato and Aso have been cast as the father and mother, with Ryunosuke Hashino (7) playing their son. Mitsuko Baisho (63) has also been cast.
Isamu Nakae is directing the film. The movie is planned for release in summer 2011.
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