The "Kamen Rider" franchise is turning 40 years old next year, and one of the projects commemorating its anniversary is a new female idol group called Kamen Rider GIRLS. The five-member unit made their debut at a special music event on Monday.
Each of the members represents a different Rider, with their outfits designed to match the Riders' images. The group consists of Kaori Nagura (19) as Kiva, Erika Yoshizumi (18) as Den-O, Yurika Hirokawa (20) as Ryuki, Hitomi Isaka (18) as OOO, and Nao Yasuda (20) as Blade. However, more members are expected to be added in the future.
Kamen Rider GIRLS will release their first digital-only single "Koi no Rider Kick" on December 15.
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