It looks like Long was right. Nick White announced the retail packaging for Windows Vista & Office 2007 on the Windows Vista Weblog today. I thought i'd take the liberty of assembing them all for you, and making them easier to see side-by-side. Click on the original for a bigger version.
Apparently, people who use Office Professional work in much cooler buildings than the people that use Office Home & Student.
Personally, I think it's really cool. I'm sure retailers will figure out how to encase that sexy packaging in something horrid so it won't be stolen, but maybe Microsoft has that figured out already too.
The box for Vista Ultimate better look sexier than that though. Maybe they could add holographic flames... or how about a built in SideShow display that lets you calculate how much Microsoft will screw you for every additional PC you have in your house. Now THAT would be cool.
According to News.com , Steve Ballmer will ring in availablility of Windows Vista, Office 2007, and Exchange 2007 at the New York Stock Exchange on November 30th. Microsoft sez: Launching together for the first time in 10 years, these releases will invigorate the IT industry, while enabling businesses to fully utilize their greatest resource: their people. Hopefully the beta testers will have access to it before then. So if Microsoft launches Vista for Businesses in New York, what are the odds that they'll announce consumer availability in New York in January too?
New source: Here
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