Thursday, June 21, 2007

Hong Zhuo Li shoot MV feelings tears

Photo : Hongzhuo shoot up in Japan MV

Hong Zhuo Li (Ken) morning to travel to Japan payments? Filming and recording the event MV, shooting "opposed" MV. the itinerary is the most cold day, only zero, and rain, cold, really cold increases.

MV Japanese samurai sites for filming, wearing down the staff could hardly arrived in the cold weather, A Ken ill fielded. still be wearing thin clothes performances. Asked him survive can be sustained? He said : "We should be more in the Japanese producers last night to help me buy a sample of potent drugs, today finally returned to its burning point, but really cold today! "I do not know whether A Ken too into the drama or fever reasons, a man shooting shed tears. A result never thought Ken could be so, making the presence of the staff calm down. Good take the director called, asking whether he is too hard so shedding tears, Ken said : "not so hard because, Department of input too! Recall if this matter were to happen to them, and that their really good sad! So cried out. "

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