Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Nancy Sit praise the spirit of Hong Kong

Wilson, Andrew Chow When YAN and encouragement to return to the text

Nancy Sit at the government House recently held a "peer Care 10 contained intelligence Toxicology return Lok times," she alia, in addition to the Wilson, Chiu Wen, Hiromi and Kellyjackie participate in this event.


When YAN said Andrew for the 10th anniversary of the return of a lot of thoughts, because when many people concerned about what will happen after, Fortunately, people with indomitable spirit, plus the Central and the SAR government's support, so the children could grow up healthy, become the future pillars of society, to make an effort.

Mandy first came to government House, the mood exceptionally tense, Admission also said with a smile before illusions House is not really a lot of Kam carp. As a child the other schools have visited the government House and he is very envious of this desire can be reached. She also seize the opportunity everywhere videos, photos will be placed on his blog, and share with you all. She felt that the event was interesting, because Hong Kong can witness a new milestone.

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