Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Eason : Thank you, it was pouring cold water

Map : Eason wait disease, binge drinkers JIJING

Joey Yung recently fatigue, and finally to pay out sick, absent due to illness before she activities, but also recording the work after a day of rest yesterday, she attended the "Solar Project united Hong Kong and fly older" press conference, asked her if she had not harmed, slightly acoustic sand Eason said : "乜嘢, faculties? Lag Juice in last night, has not recorded audio and need some time to rest. "CHEN Zhi-yun that she might Yu Cheng, Eason estimated that the other side is they are all women, do not mind. Eason feel like Yu Cheng good, the other side is another urgent eloquence before, these are some of her desire talent.

Treasures of good fortune

Speaking on the activities, Eason admits recruits since met many good people, really would like to thank its growth path has taught her, and gave her the cold water allocation, the number in that they created today's Joey Yung. But she is still conscious to a lot of room for improvement, but also strive to fight for more learning opportunities. Some students are also interested in learning to the courtroom, as the courtroom to learn from, To hear her loud : "Drainage Dad really need to consider carefully, I am afraid Drainage Dad to drink a lot of chicken-come, we get busy because I often enough delegates Well, OK OK again faster 82, truly have to drink a lot of chicken to make up, after completing drainage Dad have to wait for the summer sun to dry thin!" Eason praising meaningful event because many children do not know their own strengths and treasure, they rely on to explore. Eason McGREGOR asked what treasures?她覺得自己最大的福氣,就是有不少保護她的人在身邊,但她也擔心這些保護自己的人有離開的一日,所以她也得學懂危機處理。

Without making news

In addition, the number of Hong Kong singers involved in the Tiananmen Square countdown to the Olympic Games, the Olympic theme song chorus, it is reported as Leo placed a big placard, was flying out of the provisional Council, has said Miss Gigi Leung will rely on Chenshaoqi relations were singing the theme song, Eason is one singer performed for all sorts of rumors, she frankly said : "The more we get there we get the story out, the premise is trying to use the strength of singers to meet Olympic great day, not too many have made the news!"

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