Chart: Chen Hui Lin 暫未 will have plan next year to marry
The Hong Kong movie develops the bureau night before last "to greet the Olympic Games Christmas cocktail party" to the intermediate belt Li fine hotel hold, attended besides especially first Zeng Yinch'uan and Huo Zhenting, also had many movies person and the entertainer attends the support, including Chen Hui Lin (Kelly), Yang thousand 嬅, Zeng Chihwei, Fang Lishen, Yang Aichin, 狄龍 husbands and wives, Lin Chienyueh, the yellow hundred cries and so on, the scene was lively. In order to coordinate the Christmas day subject, thousand 嬅 all dresses up with Kelly really has the Christmas atmosphere.
Did not fear tows bears bids good-bye
Kelly and the boyfriend racket tows many years, recently spread the marriage news, had refers to her boyfriend 強勢 to compel the marriage, made her feel very laboriously, Kelly finally complied. She night before last heard happily chats: "Also has these news?" She says frequently can pass on, but how regardless of she does speak everybody all not to believe. She smiles said that, "Silly 嘅 ! I cannot because laboriously on marriage." She speaks frankly the present is not marries, after or when she acts the leading role "Landscape Beautiful woman" to screen only then calculated. Asked whether she does plan at the movie time the picture again announces the marriage news? She denies immediately, will refer to next year to work very busily, except 演唱會, also will have to make the Olympic Games torch; But, she always can marry, is only has not temporarily had the plan.
Feng Delun and Mo Wenwei because gather little leaves ends more than eight years of sentiments, she can otherwise fear the racket tows too bears can bid good-bye? Kelly speaks frankly cannot fear, also thought does not close the matter, she had the mutual recognition with the boyfriend. She before and Feng Delun also once has sung in a chorus, but opposite party after the direct very little has met. Her all 戥 they feel were a pity that, throughout the racket has towed such many years, now suddenly bids good-bye. Kelly night before last also announced this year cannot attend the musical world promulgation ritual, formerly she once captured many sessions "the Asian and Pacific area most to receive welcome the female singer", had refers if did not proclaim for her, other female singers all not 夠 qualifications. Kelly smiles says: "夠, so long as puts out the courage to be allowed." She did not refuse to talk about this year does not need to participate in the promulgation ritual, the mood also is much more relaxed, also reduced has worked very much, she explained this year also does not have a small dish, otherwise participated as for the bright annual meeting, needed to look whether did have the new small dish and looked at that time the mood.
Thousand 嬅 shoots a movie the balanced mood
Thousand 嬅 described oneself all dresses up with Kelly likes a fire to foster talent is same, this year Christmas day, thousand 嬅 work all good bustle about, she meets and Xu Chihan attends the broad host Christmas reciprocal, at the appointed time sings in a chorus "Can Pass", this is two people sings in a chorus for the first time after the Chinese star age. Recently she also had to practice the dance, prepares that very evening to perform in the reciprocal; But, she smiles the word certainly not to be able the sex appeal, puts on the men's clothing instead to be allowed. But thousand 嬅 also planned Christmas period and the company work together sends to, she prepares to spend five numerals to buy the gift and to contribute pulls out the prize. She want to receive pleasantly surprised at the Christmas? Thousand 嬅 smiles the word temporarily not to have, but hoped may wrap up a man to give her. Asked her this person is the tadpole high? She smiles refers to the oneself present fresh person not to be near, she has the feeling female stars all is this, possibly wants first then to marry, now only has the multi- rackets movie of a love story to balance. But she denies is with works anaesthetizes oneself, but also indicated wants to have a vacation. Does not participate regarding Kelly this year the promulgation ritual, thousand 嬅 refers to this is each person decision, calculated the attendance not necessarily has the prize. Looked like last year her affiliation to transfer the duration, knew perfectly well could not have the prize, but all had the attendance, she thought the promulgation ritual was grasps the support on behalf of the musical world the point of view to sit one is late, but was not each people all has the same idea.
Fang Lishen expressed still in threw oneself for the Beijing Olympic Games flies, he expressed before attended Olympic Games was by swims the athlete status attendance, he hoped now session is in the work participation. Before all has pours out has made the Austria festival department meter, but not in detail leans, throughout still some section of days. At the appointed time if has not worked, he all planned Beijing watches the competition; But, should the time not organize a group in the circle, or met and the family member goes.
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