The popular anime series "K-On!!" had its new opening and ending theme songs released as singles this week. Respectively titled "Utauyo!! MIRACLE" and "NO, Thank You!," the two songs were also released as chaku-uta downloads, and Recochoku's daily ranking for August 4 (announced on August 5) shows that they have taken the #1 and #2 spots.
This is the first time ever that an anime character band has held the top 2 spots on Recochoku's daily "chaku-uta full" ranking. In addition, "K-On!!"-related downloads took the top 4 spots on the "chakushin voice" (voice ringtone) ranking and the top 3 spots on the "kisekae" (visual theme) ranking.
Currently, the two theme songs are also #1 and #2 on the daily charts of the iTunes Store.
The actual CD releases are also doing well, each selling about 55,000 copies in its first two days. They are currently ranked #2 and #3 behind SMAP's latest single.
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