The popular drama series "Aji Ichimonme" is returning to television for another special episode, 12 years after the last one. SMAP's Masahiro Nakai (38) will reprise his role as a chef striving to become a master.
Based on an award-winning manga by Zenta Abe and Yoshimi Kurata, the drama was Nakai's first lead role in a television series. It aired on TV Asahi in 1995, then was followed by a second series in 1996. Two special episodes were broadcast in 1997 and 1998.
Several cast members are returning with Nakai, including Nenji Kobayashi, Kirin Kiki, Takashi Naito, Kumiko Okae, Yoko Nogiwa, and Shingo Yanagisawa. In addition, new faces such as Yusuke Yamamoto and Shihori Kanjiya will be making guest appearances.
The special is expected to air next spring on TV Asahi.
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