Emily Bronte's classic novel "Wuthering Heights" (known as "Arashigaoka" in Japan) is being performed as a stage musical next year, starring LUNA SEA vocalist Ryuichi Kawamura (40). Although there have been musical adaptations of the book before, this one will be a new adaptation written by playwright Sanae Iijima and directed by Nobuhiro Nishikawa.
Kawamura is taking on the lead role of the revenge-seeking Heathcliff, while voice actress Aya Hirano (23) and singer Natsumi Abe (29) have been double-cast as the heroine Catherine. Although Abe has plenty of experience on stage, this will be Hirano's first performance in a theatrical production.
The revealed cast so far includes Ikusaburo Yamazaki (24) as Edgar, Yuki Shoda as Isabella, Dai Iwasaki as Hindley, Keaki Mori as Nelly, and Tsunehiko Kamijo as Mr. Earnshaw.
The musical will be performed at Tokyo's Akasaka ACT Theater on July 6-24, then at Osaka's Theater Drama City on July 25-31.
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