Friday, November 19, 2010

News : New TVB series

A few days ago, Matthew Ko shaved his head to guest star in a new TVB series. First time going bald, he joked: "so frightened I forgot who my mom was." As to sacrificing his 'appearance', Matthew expressed that he'll be wearing a hat to the TVB Anniversary! When asked for what reason he shaved his head just for a 5 episode guest appearance in a new series? He said: "It's HD now, wearing headgear can easily break! But, for the mean time I can't do modern series!"

Although he frightened his mother, he attentively waited until his sister got married before taking action on his hair: "It's unlucky to attend a wedding bald, so I waited until she got married first before I shaved my head!" Also, Matthew reveals that later he'll be going to rehearse for a water table dance performance for the TVB Anniversary Gala.

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